5 lbs very ripe oranges
3 lbs granulated sugar
1 gallons water
1/4 teaspoon grape tannin
1 teaspoons yeast nutrient
1/2 ounce wine yeast
Boil the two gallons of water in a large stockpot.
Peel the oranges, carefully removing all of the pith.
Separate the oranges into sections and remove the seeds.
Place orange sections into a blender and liquefy.
Place liquefied oranges, sugar, tannin, and yeast nutrient into primary fermentation container.
Add boiling water and stir until sugar is dissolved.
Cover and cool to room temperature.
Add yeast, cover, and ferment for one week.
Strain liquid through a finely meshed bag, and transfer to a glass secondary fermentation container.
Seal with airtight lid, and rack once a month for four months.
Stabilize, wait one week and rack into bottles.
Age at least one year before drinking.